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Cycle class

Vaughan - Page 6 of 6

Yoga Basics with Deb

Learn the fundamentals of yoga postures, focusing on proper alignment, stretching, and breathing through poses appropriate for beginners. No previous yoga training is required! Read More

Tabata with Paula

A very specific type of HIIT workout designed to squeeze maximum burn into minimal workout time. Through a variety of simple, yet intense timed exercises you will boost your cardio fitness and calorie burn. Read More

Chisel with Chrissa

A strength training class using compound movements to provide a full body workout using a variety of equipment. No two classes are alike! Read More

Cycling with Ryan

A dynamic indoor cycling experience on a specially designed stationary bike set to music. A great non-impact workout for all fitness levels. Follow ride with cooldown and stretch. Read More

Barbell Blast with Nancy

A barbell-based class using light to moderate weights and high repetitions that target increased calorie burn and lean muscle growth.  You will experience an upbeat and fun total body strength workout that includes all muscle groups large and small! Read More

Body Blitz with Ryan

A challenging full body workout that will improve your overall fitness ability using a variety of equipment & exercises ranging from traditional strength movements to cardio conditioning exercises. Read More